Monday 24 September 2012

Analysis : Transformers 2 Poster

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon is aimed at teens. The film is a PG therefore there will be a wide audience. The trailer hardly gives anything away and it does not feature the main characters. This shows the reputation of the film as being a successful trilogy.  Two names are featured in the credits which are Michael Bay the director and Steven Speilburg the executive producer. This helps to bring in an older generation of people as Speilburg and Bay are very successful in the film industry.

The use of old actual NASA footage gives the film a sense of realism. The trailer suggests that the film is in the genre of Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi due to shots of space. The heavy amount of CGI and special effects used suggest that the film is a big budget movie. The trailer opens in silence, then the music kicks in. This creates a sense of mystery. When the transformers are in shot of the camera, they are at a low angle shot. This not only suggests their power, but also foreshadows a foregoing storyline. 

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