Monday 24 September 2012

Analysis : Age Of Heroes Poster

The Age Of Heroes is an Action/War film, this is evident from the sartorial codes, mise en scene and various war/action sequences. The film appears to be aimed at men between the ages of 18 and 35. There is an abscence of females and due to the genre of the film this is clear. The two main characters in the film are Danny Dyer and Sean Bean. As they are the main characters it brings a certain age group to the film as the actors were very popular in the 70's. Throughout the teaser trailer, there is fast paced orchestral and atmospheric music which sets the pace and tone for the trailer. Diagetic sounds are used such as the sound or artillery and battle scenes. As well as diagetic sounds, non-diagetic sounds are used, such as the commentary. From the outset there is a picture of the Nazi flag which indicates that the film will be based around WWII. The editing is fast paced to emphasise the battle scenes. The camera uses wide shots and overhead shots for the scenery and battle scenes,  as well as close ups for possible main characters. The voiceover is very masculine and loud which suggests that he could be the General or someone the characters report to.

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