Thursday 6 December 2012

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule
This is my initial shooting schedule. I created one, to enable me to constructively use my filming time effectively. My ideas on the actual day of filming may change, or i may have to adapt my scenes due to surroundings. This is why i called it my initial shooting schedule, as i am aware that it could change.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Story Patterns

When deciding on a concept for my teaser trailer, the story pattern was a major factor. I wanted my teaser trailer to be unconventional as the storyline is dramatic, edgy and dark. In terms of my teaser trailer i decided to use elements from Pattern 1: The "Character-Driven" Trailer and Pattern 3: The "Trigger-Event" Trailer.

Only two characters will be present in my teaser trailer, with a voice over present in some of the key scenes. As my trailer will consist of a montage of shots, i wanted to show a snippet of the "trigger-event" whilst still keeping an element of ambiguity.

The "Character-Driven" Trailer
My trailer will feature:

  • A sexy, seductress beauty driven to the edge by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) : she is more than meets the eye
  • An egotistic male with psychotic tendencies: looks like an average guy but very violent
The "Trigger-Event" Trailer

This style of trailer will be portrayed through my female protagonist. At the start of the trailer the audience will see her as a "normal" 18 year old girl, flirtatious, outgoing and slightly wild. After the "trigger-event" the audience will see her change in appearance, behaviour and personality. She will become a dark character who is unpredictable and edgy.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Survey - Social Media

In order to get more responses for my survey I posted a link to my twitter account. I did this as social media sites are very popular amongst my target audience and i knew that i would get a better response to my questions. 

Storyboard - Initial Ideas

This is my initial ideas for my storyboard. Due to this being the initial ideas, i used post-stick notes so that the shots can be easily moved around.  The idea behind my teaser trailer is a montage of clips that would feature in the film if it was made. The shots that are above on the storyboard are my key shots.

Due to my teaser trailer consisting of a number of quick cut clips, i have not yet decided what the exact order of the clips will be. I have chosen to show the five main scenes in my storyboard to give an idea to the audience of what the teaser trailer will entail.

The 5 key scenes:

  1. My main character is on the roof. She feels isolated and alone. (I have not yet decided whether this will be my establishing shot or my final shot)
  2. A blackout. (This will give my film a darker edge)
  3. Outside the club. (This is the catalyst scene for my characters troubles)
  4. The dispatch call (My main character calls the police to make a confession. This scene will lead to the ambiguity and mystery of my trailer) 
  5. The villain has captured my main character (This clip will have a lot of inter-cutting, so it does not give away the scene)

Thursday 27 September 2012

Mood Board


My mood board is reflective of the way in which I want the tone and atmosphere of my trailer to be. The first part of my mood board represents the nature of my female protagonist. The theme is meant to convey elements of romance, seduction and sexiness. I used a range of colours to show the beauty of my character. The bright colours, such as the white and reds, represent the warmth of her. I chose these specific images to show the different sides to her. Not only is she young and beautiful but has a seductive and rebellious side to her as well.

In the second half of my mood board I gained inspiration from Brian Viveros. Viveros creates erotic paintings of doe-eyed beauties. His artwork has heavily influenced the way in which i want my female protagonist to be portrayed. The artwork represents the depletion of the character. The warmth and slight innocence of my female protagonist will be corrupted with brutality. In turn transforming her into a mysterious, sexy, seductive women out for revenge.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Analysis : Senna Poster

Senna is a biopic, based on the formula 1 driver. Due to it being a biopic, it will be aimed at a niche audience. Preferably people who are interested in the sport. The film appears to be directed at the olderaudience, dominantly male and 30+. Snippets of actual footage of Senna creates realism. It is aimed as a tribute to the star and to show the audience his thrilling and exciting life story

Monday 24 September 2012

Analysis : Age Of Heroes Poster

The Age Of Heroes is an Action/War film, this is evident from the sartorial codes, mise en scene and various war/action sequences. The film appears to be aimed at men between the ages of 18 and 35. There is an abscence of females and due to the genre of the film this is clear. The two main characters in the film are Danny Dyer and Sean Bean. As they are the main characters it brings a certain age group to the film as the actors were very popular in the 70's. Throughout the teaser trailer, there is fast paced orchestral and atmospheric music which sets the pace and tone for the trailer. Diagetic sounds are used such as the sound or artillery and battle scenes. As well as diagetic sounds, non-diagetic sounds are used, such as the commentary. From the outset there is a picture of the Nazi flag which indicates that the film will be based around WWII. The editing is fast paced to emphasise the battle scenes. The camera uses wide shots and overhead shots for the scenery and battle scenes,  as well as close ups for possible main characters. The voiceover is very masculine and loud which suggests that he could be the General or someone the characters report to.

Analysis : Transformers 2 Poster

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon is aimed at teens. The film is a PG therefore there will be a wide audience. The trailer hardly gives anything away and it does not feature the main characters. This shows the reputation of the film as being a successful trilogy.  Two names are featured in the credits which are Michael Bay the director and Steven Speilburg the executive producer. This helps to bring in an older generation of people as Speilburg and Bay are very successful in the film industry.

The use of old actual NASA footage gives the film a sense of realism. The trailer suggests that the film is in the genre of Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi due to shots of space. The heavy amount of CGI and special effects used suggest that the film is a big budget movie. The trailer opens in silence, then the music kicks in. This creates a sense of mystery. When the transformers are in shot of the camera, they are at a low angle shot. This not only suggests their power, but also foreshadows a foregoing storyline. 

Saturday 22 September 2012

Analysis - Trailers

As part of the analysis stage, I will be viewing and analysing other film trailers. The three trailers that I have decided to analyse will be: Age Of Heroes, Transformers 2, Senna, Sucker Punch and Flight.

I have chosen a variety of films from all different genres, in order for me to see the differences and similarities of different genres of films. Some of the trailers I have chosen represent mainstream films and others represent the independent films.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Why Is A Survey Useful?

In order to gain a wider insight into my demographic and their views and opinions, I have decided create a survey. The survey will really help me to determine the direction and outcome of my teaser trailer. When I create the survey I need to ensure that I ask decisive and insightful questions, in order to gain the most out of my audience feedback.

From audience research carried out during the AS coursework, I have learnt that it is better to used closed questions for the survey. Participants appear to prefer closed questions as they get right to the point, meaning that they don't have to spend time giving detailed answers. Using closed questions also makes the process of getting surveys back, more efficient.
Similarly to when I did my AS coursework I will be using Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey makes the process of making a survey easier. Creating an electronic survey has its advantages, as I will be able to collect the results quickly and concisely. The layout of the survey is also more structured.

Monday 17 September 2012

Film Pitch

After a number of brainstorms and class feedback I have finally created a film pitch:

My teaser trailer is a mixture of revenge, hurt and vengeance, with slight undertones of psychological damage. Its the story of a good girl gone bad. But what happens to these girls to make them bad?

Ava is an ordinary18 year old girl. She is sexy, beautiful, flirtacious, outgoing, wild and captivating. After a dispute outside a club her world is turned upside down. Everything she believed and thought she knew about herself is destroyed. Her innocence is corrupted by brutality. She is out for revenge!!

She is no longer the hunted but the hunter.... But why?

Thursday 13 September 2012

Introductory To A2 Media : Advanced Portfolio

Today we were introduced to the A2 Media Advanced Portfolio. We discussed the overview of this years coursework and the different promotion packages involved. For the Advanced Portfolio we have to research, plan, construct and evaluate. We will be assigned to create a teaser trailer, a film poster and a film magazine cover. In order for our blogs to be successful, we must continually blog throughout the process as evidence for planning and research.

The groups for this years coursework were also finalised. However unlike last year, I chose to opt out of being in a group and work by myself instead. I decided this, as during the AS project the two members of my group were quite lazy, leaving most of the work down to me, which became quite strenuous.  I feel I have improved as a media student since the AS course. In addition I feel that working individually will give me more responsibility as I will be creating the products on my own.

From the information given to us today, I have started to work on my film pitch for the trailer.