Thursday 9 May 2013

'The Hunted' Official Movie Poster

I created my movie poster using Adobe Photoshop CS6. As I have had prior experience using photoshop, it was much easier to navigate through the software and create a poster that I was happy with. 


In terms of the title of the film, I chose 'The Hunted' as I wanted to create ambiguity and leave some intrigue for the audience. I felt that 'The Hunted' would not reveal a lot about the film. I used Arial Narrow as the font style and enlarged it, in order for it to be eye catching. I felt that Arial Narrow was a subtle font, therefore quite suitable. 

Colour  Scheme 

With the colour scheme, I intended for the colours to be quite neutral and simple, so it did not take attention away from the image. I used the black and white colour scheme in the title to create a bit of a contrast. The black is a metaphor for the darkness and evil in the film and the white creates an image of purity and innocence. I used black as a dominant colour to convey that the darkness and evil in the film as it is dominant and over powering. I used red for the credits just to infuse a bit of colour. I also thought that red would be suitable as it is not an overpowering colour. 


The image I have used is one of the pictures on location. It came out really well so i decided to use it as the official poster image. The image is of one of my main characters in a balaclava. I wanted the actors face and body to be covered in some shadow, to create an element of mystery. I used a low angle shot to create the feeling of dominance and power over the audience. I feel that the image works really well with the film concept.

The sniper target attached to the title, was intended to create an image of a hunt. After I recieved some audience feedback, some audience members associated the target with the idea of a "chase" or "predator vs prey", which was my exact intention when including it in the poster. I also included typical conventions of a film poster, which include : certification, credits and producer information, reviews and distribution companies. 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule
This is my initial shooting schedule. I created one, to enable me to constructively use my filming time effectively. My ideas on the actual day of filming may change, or i may have to adapt my scenes due to surroundings. This is why i called it my initial shooting schedule, as i am aware that it could change.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Story Patterns

When deciding on a concept for my teaser trailer, the story pattern was a major factor. I wanted my teaser trailer to be unconventional as the storyline is dramatic, edgy and dark. In terms of my teaser trailer i decided to use elements from Pattern 1: The "Character-Driven" Trailer and Pattern 3: The "Trigger-Event" Trailer.

Only two characters will be present in my teaser trailer, with a voice over present in some of the key scenes. As my trailer will consist of a montage of shots, i wanted to show a snippet of the "trigger-event" whilst still keeping an element of ambiguity.

The "Character-Driven" Trailer
My trailer will feature:

  • A sexy, seductress beauty driven to the edge by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) : she is more than meets the eye
  • An egotistic male with psychotic tendencies: looks like an average guy but very violent
The "Trigger-Event" Trailer

This style of trailer will be portrayed through my female protagonist. At the start of the trailer the audience will see her as a "normal" 18 year old girl, flirtatious, outgoing and slightly wild. After the "trigger-event" the audience will see her change in appearance, behaviour and personality. She will become a dark character who is unpredictable and edgy.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Survey - Social Media

In order to get more responses for my survey I posted a link to my twitter account. I did this as social media sites are very popular amongst my target audience and i knew that i would get a better response to my questions. 

Storyboard - Initial Ideas

This is my initial ideas for my storyboard. Due to this being the initial ideas, i used post-stick notes so that the shots can be easily moved around.  The idea behind my teaser trailer is a montage of clips that would feature in the film if it was made. The shots that are above on the storyboard are my key shots.

Due to my teaser trailer consisting of a number of quick cut clips, i have not yet decided what the exact order of the clips will be. I have chosen to show the five main scenes in my storyboard to give an idea to the audience of what the teaser trailer will entail.

The 5 key scenes:

  1. My main character is on the roof. She feels isolated and alone. (I have not yet decided whether this will be my establishing shot or my final shot)
  2. A blackout. (This will give my film a darker edge)
  3. Outside the club. (This is the catalyst scene for my characters troubles)
  4. The dispatch call (My main character calls the police to make a confession. This scene will lead to the ambiguity and mystery of my trailer) 
  5. The villain has captured my main character (This clip will have a lot of inter-cutting, so it does not give away the scene)