Thursday 29 November 2012

Survey - Social Media

In order to get more responses for my survey I posted a link to my twitter account. I did this as social media sites are very popular amongst my target audience and i knew that i would get a better response to my questions. 

Storyboard - Initial Ideas

This is my initial ideas for my storyboard. Due to this being the initial ideas, i used post-stick notes so that the shots can be easily moved around.  The idea behind my teaser trailer is a montage of clips that would feature in the film if it was made. The shots that are above on the storyboard are my key shots.

Due to my teaser trailer consisting of a number of quick cut clips, i have not yet decided what the exact order of the clips will be. I have chosen to show the five main scenes in my storyboard to give an idea to the audience of what the teaser trailer will entail.

The 5 key scenes:

  1. My main character is on the roof. She feels isolated and alone. (I have not yet decided whether this will be my establishing shot or my final shot)
  2. A blackout. (This will give my film a darker edge)
  3. Outside the club. (This is the catalyst scene for my characters troubles)
  4. The dispatch call (My main character calls the police to make a confession. This scene will lead to the ambiguity and mystery of my trailer) 
  5. The villain has captured my main character (This clip will have a lot of inter-cutting, so it does not give away the scene)